Keep an Eye on the Inflation Print (10 Jun 2021)

This week, Vee and Nic discuss the following: 1. There is massive short positioning in UST bonds for the inflation trade. What are the risks here? 2. What do you make of El Salvador’s adoption of Bitcoin as Legal Tender? 3. With people underinvested in assets, do you see it being a catalyst for much higher prices ?
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Figuring out what is driving the markets (8 Jun 2021)

Figuring out what is driving the markets (8 Jun 2021) This TrackRecord series of podcasts focus on the days in the Life of a Trader. We hope that it will help you and maybe even entertain you as you embark on this journey to become a successful trader! The markets are filled with noise that […]
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Effects of Relentless Money Printing (3 Jun 2021)

Effects of Relentless Money Printing TRADERS’ RISK CALL – 3 Jun 2021 Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this material do not constitute a recommendation by TrackRecord Pte. Ltd. that any particular investment, security, transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any […]
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Members Call (3 Jun 2021)

Members Call (3 Jun 2021) In this call, we covered: What’s good about BTC? What should we monitor for BTC? Watchlist for Signs of Market Dynamics in BTC Why the sudden interest in ETH? Thematic Channel on the Traders Chat Forum
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What must you ask when your trades go wrong? (1 Jun 2021)

Trading long-term trends isn't always easy because markets do not just go smoothly straight up without any retracements. When faced with a high volatility retracement, i.e. when markets move against your long-term positions, you may become fearful and emotional. In trying to be objective when things start to go wrong, Vee and Nic always have a set of questions they ask themselves to decide whether to stay in their positions. In this podcast, they talk how these questions can help them stay objective in the face of uncertainty and fear.
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Energy Renaissance: Generational Opportunity

27 May 2021 Webinar

Don’t want to wait till our next webinar to receive information on available trade opportunities?

Join our Community Membership to find out first-hand on what we think and get immediate access to our Model Portfolio!


00:03 – Welcome by Nicholas Koh

06:38 – Model Portfolio Themes & Review of Trade Calls

14:59 – How do we Trade?

19:00 – What is the Fed’s current stance?

36:30 – How does Carbon Neutrality impact the markets?

49:08 – What is the truth about Clean Energy?

1:03:05 – Where does Traditional Energy Sources stand?

1:14:36 – Addition of New Stock

1:14:52 – Model Portfolio Performance

1:20:34 – Q&A

What does unlimited spending & relentless money printing bring? (31 May 2021)

CIO'S WEEK AHEAD: What does unlimited spending & relentless money printing bring? TrackRecord Asia's CIO, Phan Vee Leung shares his weekly views on the market macro outlook: With the US and UK out for Memorial Day and Spring Bank holiday respectively, market movements should be subdued at the start of the week. However, as Biden’s ambitious spending plan will work its way through Congress, the USD will likely weaken in the weeks ahead in anticipation of more money printing from the Fed, and more stimulus measures from the government. Asset prices will continue to rise, as a result.
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What are the Key Issues to Monitor? (31 May 2021)

This week, Vee and Nic discuss the following: 1. Fedspeak is a key trend to watch these days. How does Vee interpret them? 2. Gold is on the move again, what are Vee's thoughts on it? 3. US seems to be thawing relations with China. How does this affect Vee's macro trajectory ?
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