In a sense, I was ‘lucky’ as when I first started in the market in late 1979, charts and indicators were all drawn and computed manually, as personal computers were ‘non-existent’. As a result of this, I gained an understanding to the inner working of many indicators, which ignited my curiosity and led me to explore the motivation behind the indicators.
My various roles throughout the years in interbank deal, prop-trading, floor execution, managing an Equity research team and speaking to the High Net Worth clients (from Asia-Pac to Middle East), allowed me to experience the thought process of various players and their reaction to market activities. Having handled their orders, I was able to see first-hand how their actions are reflected in the price charts. This provided me with the skillsets to deliver TA Workshops with different views, which benefited majority of the Bloomberg users I trained from May 2000 to May 2018.
Prior to 1996, I turned down numerous offers to conduct TA workshops because I was afraid that after the workshops, these participants would be smarter than me and I would lose my market edge. As I was dually employed by Wardley (HSBC owned) and HSBC Securitas Indonesia (equity), and needed to foster better relationship with the HNW clients, I started conducting TA workshops. As a result, I discovered that I actually benefited more from these workshops than the attendees. Thus, I started to structure and conduct proper TA workshops for Bloomberg, when I joined them in May 2000.
My 20 years of trading experience (late 1979 to May 2000) helped me to relate between trader reaction versus price actions. It also helped me understand how indicators can unveil hidden price information that are not easily identifiable from the visual analysis of the price chart alone. My interaction with High Net Worth clients also provided me with a different insight on how they react to various price situations. I learnt the importance of adopting risk and trade management and how charts play a role in this area.
My 18 years in Bloomberg (May 2000 to May 2018), provided me with opportunities to interact with a totally different set of market players from various market sectors and regions. I learnt how these players used charts, which gave me the ability to efficiently impart my expertise, catering to different player types and knowledge levels.
The recommendations on my LinkedIn is a testament to my work done which has helped the other institutional players.