CIO’s Week Ahead Update
Our CIO, Vee’s Investment views and research at your fingertips. A concise view to help you filter out the noise and condense only what’s important in the markets for the week ahead and your trading. Made for easy reading, these weekly products are delivered straight into your email inbox every week!
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Traders’ Risk Call.
Listen to how professional traders analyse the markets, upcoming trends and their snippets of trading wisdom!
SUBSCRIBE NOWYang Z., Subscriber Client
The Week ahead report is useful as it helps me to see the big picture of the markets. The factors highlighted in the report are most usually the ones that have meaningful impact on the markets. The report helps me to better understand the fundamentals. The Traders’ Risk Call similarly shows mentors’ view on the market but with more detailed active discussions about the particular currency. The major benefit of Risk Call to me, is that it reflects what professionals are actually doing, and I would feel more confident about my trading because I would know that I am on the right track.
Alan M., Subscriber Client
Given I am very time poor (work 60+ hours a week), having something in one place to read or watch on a variety of topics has been very handy. The weekly email and links make for easy reading as it is summarised into a concise report. Have a lot more financial current knowledge than I would have otherwise.